
The Holy George Floyd

and the peaceful BLM riots

The Whole George Floyd Story Was a Lie
2023-11-23 / length= 08:33
Tucker Carlson and Vince Everett Ellison

■ The Whole George Floyd Story Was a Lie
■ Toute l'histoire de George Floyd était un mensonge
■ Het hele verhaal van George Floyd was een leugen

23 nov 2023
■ Tucker Carlson is joined by author Vince Everett Ellison to discuss George Floyd's death and the Democrat Party's glorification of his life.
■ Tucker Carlson est rejoint par l'auteur Vince Everett Ellison pour discuter de la mort de George Floyd et de la glorification de sa vie par le Parti démocrate.
■ Tucker Carlson wordt vergezeld door auteur Vince Everett Ellison om te praten over de dood van George Floyd en de verheerlijking van zijn leven door de Democratische Partij.


25 Lies: Exposing Democrats' Most Dangerous, Seductive, Damnable, Destructive Lies and How to Refute Them

The explosive book that tells bold and uncomfortable truths about the Democratic party — using historical fact, current events, and Biblical principles to build to a shocking conclusion.

Vince Ellison is America's most fearless truth teller. Agree or disagree with his thesis, open-minded readers must grapple with the persuasive power of his arguments, his mastery of facts, and his passionate love for mankind and our Creator.

As a young man, Ellison began his career in the belly of the beast — as a prison guard working in the worst cellblock imaginable — the one housing mass murderers, rapists, child molesters, and others who would never be released, and whose crimes would never be redeemed in this world.

Vince Ellison saw the face of evil up close. He knows it like few of us ever could.

And it was to his dismay and sadness that he has seen that same evil later in life. This time, not in the faces of hardened, incarcerated criminals. But rather in the eyes of the leaders of the Democratic party.

In this stunningly persuasive work, Vince marshals his own experience and couples it with a learned and original analysis to conclude that the leaders of America's "progressive" party aren't just wrong on their policy stances — they are deliberately and intently destructive.

Ellison painstakingly dismantles the twenty-five lies underlying Democratic policies and arguments, and provides readers with the tools they need to understand and refute these myths and deceptions. Finally, Ellison implores his fellow Americans and Christians to open their eyes to the damage being done to the nation's heart and soul in the name of progressivism.

I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr
2020-06-04 on Facebook / length= 18:14
Candace Owens

■ I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr
■ Je ne soutiens PAS George Floyd et je refuse de le voir comme un martyr
■ Ik steun George Floyd NIET en ik weiger hem als martelaar te zien

4 jun 2020

■ Candace Owens explains that George Floyd had a criminal history. She does not agree with how he was killed, but is warning people not to hold him up a shining example or a martyr.
■ Candace Owens explique que George Floyd avait des antécédents criminels. Elle n'est pas d'accord avec la façon dont il a été tué, mais elle met en garde les gens contre le fait de le considérer comme un exemple brillant ou un martyr.
■ Candace Owens legt uit dat George Floyd een crimineel verleden had. Ze is het niet eens met de manier waarop hij is gedood, maar waarschuwt mensen om hem niet als een lichtend voorbeeld of martelaar te zien.